
Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

The Early Years Learning Framework guides our curriculum. Through a wide variety of play spaces and experiences that reflect our philosophy and embeds our approaches and pedagogies.

We continually alter and adapt the experiences to help the children learn through friendship, exploration, and play. As one of our primary focuses is on relationships with and between our children, families, and the community, we regularly invite visitors to our Preschool to educate and entertain and encourage family participation during the Preschool day and with social events.

School Readiness is incorporated into every aspect/experience and routine of our day. A strong focus on social emotional readiness as well as academic readiness is a core part of our approach to School Readiness.

Our Approach

Early childhood is the most formative period of a child’s development. During this time, language, skills, attitudes, and concepts are formed within each child.

Our philosophy is based on the belief that parents/guardians’ teachers, educators and the community can work together to provide the best possible foundation for the children’s growth and development. As the proverb says “it takes a village to raise a child”

Play is fundamental for children to make meaning of the world around them. Cronulla Preschool provides for the evolvement of the child’s physical, creative, cognitive, social and language skills through play, ensuring the child can develop a positive and confident attitude towards him/herself, to others and to the process of learning.

We encourage our children to share experiences from their families, backgrounds and cultures and endeavour to create a compassionate, respectful, and patient environment in which our children can work together in the spirit of friendship and fun, learning from each moment, place and person they encounter.


Our Approach


Our Day

Our Day

Our routine is flexible, but could be roughly estimated as:

8:30am – 9:00am          
Arrival Time

9:00am – 11:00am     
Outdoor experiences (including Morning Tea)

11.00am -11:30am    
Transition, Yarn time, small group project work

11.30am – 1:30pm     
Indoor experiences (literacy, numeracy, science, creative arts, etc)

12:00pm – 1:00pm     
Progressive Lunch

Quiet/Relaxation time

1:30pm - 2.20pm
Indoor experiences (including music and movement)

2:20pm - 3:30pm       
Outdoor Play

3:30pm - 3.45pm     
Transition to home time: sharing our day with families.

Preschool Closed
Our routine is flexible, but could be roughly estimated as:

8:30am – 9:00am          
Arrival Time

9:00am – 11:00am     
Outdoor experiences (including Morning Tea)

11.00am -11:30am    
Transition, Yarn time, small group project work

11.30am – 1:30pm     
Indoor experiences (literacy, numeracy, science, creative arts, etc)

12:00pm – 1:00pm     
Progressive Lunch

Quiet/Relaxation time

1:30pm - 2.20pm
Indoor experiences (including music and movement)

2:20pm - 3:30pm       
Outdoor Play

3:30pm - 3.45pm     
Transition to home time: sharing our day with families.

Preschool Closed

Settling In

Settling your child into Preschool is both an exciting and emotional time for families and children. Some children may be experiencing a group setting for the first time, and others may be transitioning from another early childhood centre.  

For these reasons, we recommend that you visit the Preschool as many times as you can before your child starts in order to familiarise them with the new surroundings. 

Talk about Preschool before their first day. The settling in period is different for each child. Some children need time for the parent(s) to stay and play. Some prefer if you leave soon after arrival. 

Please feel free to stay and play with your child if you think it will help settle them. 

However, if your child is distressed when you are leaving, rest assured that we will do what we can to help. If your child is crying when you leave, you may like to call the Preschool later in the morning, so staff can discuss their progress over the day.  

Please remember that it is essential that you say “goodbye” to your child when you leave, so that they trust you tomorrow not to sneak away when they are not looking. 

Let your child know when you will return to reassure them. Giving them a time that they are familiar with helps them to understand. For example: “I’ll come back to collect you after lunch”. It is important to be realistic about when you will be able to come back and to be consistent with what you have told your child, to build their trust. It can be quite distressing for them if you are late. 

Your child’s happiness is our prime concern, and our staff will work with you, to help your child settle into the Preschool routine. In return, we ask that you be patient and supportive to your child, as they will need time to adjust and feel confident in this new setting. 


Settling In

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